Misc. Pumps and Compressors

Pumps & Compressors

MSC provides a thorough regimen of services to reverse wear, restore performance and extend useful life for pumps in power generation, municipalities and industrial applications.


  • Disassembly, blasting and NDE
  • Complete inspection
  • Reconditioning rotor assembly
  • Restore casings
  • Repair/replace bearings
  • Hard surfacing and cyclic welding
  • Reverse engineering capabilities
  • Dynamic balancing of rotating parts
  • Reassembly and pressure testing
  • Field machining and turn key services
Midwest Service Center worker
Large industrial pump
Industrial equipment

Repair and Refurnishment:

Boiler feed pumps, split casing water pumps, wet pit and dry pit submersible pumps and motors, end suction pumps, process pumps, vertical pumps and gear pump